My neurTAX Playbook will help you...

  • Understand the tools you need for an effective Tax STRATEGY
  • Identify the 10 Most Missed Tax Deductions for entrepreneurs
  • Review your current tax information to understand what tax questions you should ask your tax accountant
  • Access a Business Tax Checklist to help with end-of-year planning
  • Access a Master Tax Checklist so you can avoid costly penalties for missed forms & deadlines

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"Thank you so much!

You have absolutely inspired me.  I thank God in advance for the growth that is happening in my business and in my life!  

Thank you for creating a space where I could be transparent with my finances without shame."

- April (Consultant)

"Before working with Chamina, I was a mess! I was worried about making mistakes.

I needed someone who I could trust! I can now focus on running and growing my business. ."

- Charmin (Esthetician)

"You are incredible and such a blessing to me for making this all so, I legit cried when I saw that refund amount. That amount will really help with our savings goals.

Thank you again for making this so painless for me! "

- Jenny (Freelancer)